- provide a caring and nurturing environment
- provide a stimulating environment where children can develop social, physical, spiritual and academic skills
- provide high-quality Pre-School education where the needs and interests of the child come first
- provide a partnership with parents and carers to enhance the outcomes for all children
- provide an atmosphere of respect, security and confidence
- children progress when they are happy
Our aim is to enable children to become resilient, independent and confident learners.
We believe young children are capable researchers, collaborators and communicators who can think critically and solve problems.
We provide rich, engaging experiences that bring joy to children in their learning so they are curious to learn even more.
We are a forward-thinking Pre-School where a fascination for learning is achieved by all through high expectations and challenge.
We take great pride in listening to and respecting our children as unique individuals.
We believe all children should feel included, secure and valued and learn better when:
- they are happy
- they are able to play
- they can be active
We work in partnership with our parents. We believe parents can play a part in shaping their children’s learning and development and we provide them with the tools and opportunities to do this.
We support this by:
- Implementing a settling in plan to support a positive start to pre-school
- Opportunities for both informal and formal discussions with staff
- The provision of a learning journey folder
- The provision of a book bag which includes ‘Wow’ moments, child’s next steps, books from our lending library and resources to use at home.
- Early identification and sensitive support for children with additional needs.
Lover & Redlynch Pre-school is committed to creating an environment in which children are safe from abuse and in which any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. In all cases the welfare of the child will be paramount. Setting Staff are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ as far as safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, practitioners should always act in the interest of the child.
Lover & Redlynch Pre-school does not operate in isolation. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults, especially those working or volunteering with children. The pre-school aims to help and protect the children in its care by working consistently and appropriately with all agencies to reduce risk and promote the welfare of children. All professionals work within the same safeguarding procedures.
There are three main elements to the safeguarding policy:
- PREVENTION (positive and safe environment, careful and vigilant teaching, accessible support to children, good adult role models).
- PROTECTION (agreed procedures are followed, practitioners are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to safeguarding concerns).
- SUPPORT (to children, who may have been at risk of significant harm and the way practitioners respond to their concerns and any work that may be required).
For further information on our safeguarding policy and any of our other policies please speak to a member of staff.
If you have any concerns about a child please speak to a member of staff in confidence or contact the NSPCC helpline anonymously on 0808 800 5000. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.